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Baby Loss Awareness Month


I found this amazing post shared on instagram from and it has resonated with me so much today.

October is baby loss awareness month and Baby Loss Awareness Week takes place from 9 to 15 October every year. It’s an opportunity for parents, their families and friends to acknowledge and remember their precious babies who have died. It is is led by Sands in collaboration with 70 charities in the UK.

Baby Loss Awareness Week is an opportunity:

  • For bereaved parents, and their families and friends, to unite with others across the world to commemorate their babies’ lives.

  • To raise awareness about the issues surrounding pregnancy and baby loss in the UK, and push for tangible improvements in bereavement care and support.

  • To let the public and key stakeholders know what charities and other supportive organisations are doing on bereavement care and support around pregnancy and baby loss.

The death of a baby is not a rare event. It can happen to anyone.

Throughout the week bereaved parents, their families and friends, unite with each other and others across the world to commemorate the lives of babies who died during pregnancy, at or soon after birth and in infancy.

I have been thinking a lot about how I can get involved with this and I have gone from writing 5 very long blog posts on our experiences so far (they are sitting in my drafts folder), to not wanting to post a thing. I want to acknowledge our story but I am finding sharing so much about our experience a bit tough so soon into our loss.

I take great comfort reading about others journeys and I wanted to give something back too. To maybe help at least one person who is going through this. But I currently find it a bit hard to put into words and I think I don't do it very well.

I read this post today and it really helped so thought I would share it here too...

To everyone who has lost a child,

Your worth is not reflected in how much you engage this awareness month (or any month)

Your love for your child(ren) is not measured by your online content

The amount of money you raise has no bearing on your value in this community

Raising awareness happens in each and every small, brave, conversation we have. It doesn’t need to be big. It doesn’t need to be loud.

You matter Your child(ren) matter Your heart matters ❤️ . #GoEasy #GoGentle BabyLossAwareness #InfantLossAwareness

The post can be found here:

So my post is just to say that you do what you need to do. I am going to acknowledge Tabitha this month just how I acknowledge her every month.

I support this week with my pin badge (you can get them here:, with this post and continuing to acknowledge Tabitha.

Let's just use this week as a crucial opportunity for people to talk openly about the subject of and raise awareness of baby loss.

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